Tuesday, October 6, 2015

it's been a rough few days. . zzzzzzzz

Let us say a friend told me what i posted was 'more about cleaverb' than the important stuff. My apologies. It's becoming a bad habit, having to apologize weekly. For two nights in a row, i woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep. But we had one of the greatest days at work, and the atmosphere carried on into the evening. So i get up after 2 hours sleep, and there is a link for Olga Orlovas - Ptitsa video. Beautiful, and well there is plenty to post about, so i got to writing for cleaverb.net . Thought it was okay... until the friend called. Every other word was me me me. I suppose this is a vague, misty cloud of an explanation, as i'm still as loony as i was this morning. Here is the original text, very much intended to be humorous :   Fresh new video this morning, as we have the official video for Olya Orlova - Ptitsa !
Olga is one of the most friendliest people you will ever meet, and this song may grow to be the surprise of the year.
She may joke about her stature 5' 4", which really isn't that short, but Olya has the heart of a lion. We wish you All the Best!
As you already know, Olga Orlova was one of the creative forces which brought Blestyashchie to prominence in their early days.
While we are on the subject, we noticed that the Blestyashchie YouTube channel has uploaded a few videos recently, including one we have never knew existed; check out Blestyashchie - Steklanaya Lyubov, the song was released on their Za Chetyre Morya album of 2002. There are more new videos on the BlestGroup YouTube channel.
  And we have one more Blest related topic, here is a 19 minute video of Julia Kovalchuk performing at the Muz-tv PartyZone Julia Kovalchuk October 4th live, Julia K. will also be performing at New Wave (Novaya Bolna) 2015 on October 7th ? Uh, don't quote me on the date, please. But she will be there, and she will be performing.

  We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Tereza Kerndlová !
Some of my favorite songs/videos for Tereza are: Holka Jako Já, Schody Z Nebe, and Tepe Srdce Mý.
A couple of live videos from 2015 at: Anděl (Supermiss 2014 21-03-2015), Havířov - 21.6.2015 - Schody z nebe, and this one appears to be a phone video, not great quality but gives you the 'audience perspective' in Tereza Kerndlová live.
See You In A Couple Of Days, cleaverb .