Thursday, December 10, 2015
New Biographies . read me.
A couple of paragraphs is all we can give. We can't list every award you won, because the fact checking would be impossible. So we have to generalize it down to 'she won many awards' .
Oh man. Pleaase. It's not easy to write a biography, first you have to find the material. You know, we look to find out about your life, and share our knowledge.
Be careful because the 'what you say' can really stick with people; it might be the only biography written and available online. So it is all they know/ all they can find.
There is always the free spirit of humanity in an individual. We might write that they have oatmeal for breakfast every day, and then find out that they switched to having toast every day. But the story about oatmeal is what people see, so it must be true. And that, is an example of why we try to write only a basic outline of the individuals.
It is not our intent to embarass the subject, only to inform those who are curious about them. We do our best to not give out personal details, such as your telephone number or address. But we do like to list details such birthdays, maybe the city where you grew up. You know, we don't want it to seem that you are an angel who descended from heaven to bless the world with your talents, or that you were hatched from an egg. Please smile, i am. But if that is the case, we are not going to write that.
It is important that people see you as a human being. We like to list a persons eye color, hair, and height if it is available.
Then we look for events in the subjects life that may give clues to their personality. But don't make a big deal about them. If you grew up by the ocean, it gives a picture of your daily life. If you won a dance contest when you were 11 years old, it may have inspired you to work hard and seek to further your ambitions. It's something.People like to read those kind of details.
We did, at one time, write a biography that turned out was NOT the same person we had thought. After 6 months, somebody (thank you!) wrote to us about the mistake. And we corrected the information. BUT for 6 months anybody online could have read that false information, and accepted it as fact. Thereby, we deceived the public. Very bad for your image. People will tend to remember your mistakes; you could be right 99 % of the time, but some people will only recall that you were wrong 1% of the time. Why do we do that ?
I am a human being. Humans are prone to make mistakes. That is how we better ourselves.
My biography would go something like this. Was born in a remote,small midwestern town. When very young, had a serious ear infection, that affected my balance. Tried sports, tried music. But i was never that organized of a person. I never stayed home, i was always out wandering around.
No matter the weather, i would even go out in a blizzard. I love snow. I don't like the cold.
After school, moved to a city. After a couple of years, was offered a job in a sunny southern city. Made new friends every day. People just like me; they looked to better themselves rather than point fingers at other peoples flaws. The city grew around me. Got tired of it, and moved to the country. It took 10 years, but eventually the city crept up and enveloped me in its realm once again. But now the circumstances are more to my liking.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
it's been a rough few days. . zzzzzzzz
Olga is one of the most friendliest people you will ever meet, and this song may grow to be the surprise of the year.
She may joke about her stature 5' 4", which really isn't that short, but Olya has the heart of a lion. We wish you All the Best!
As you already know, Olga Orlova was one of the creative forces which brought Blestyashchie to prominence in their early days.
While we are on the subject, we noticed that the Blestyashchie YouTube channel has uploaded a few videos recently, including one we have never knew existed; check out Blestyashchie - Steklanaya Lyubov, the song was released on their Za Chetyre Morya album of 2002. There are more new videos on the BlestGroup YouTube channel.
And we have one more Blest related topic, here is a 19 minute video of Julia Kovalchuk performing at the Muz-tv PartyZone Julia Kovalchuk October 4th live, Julia K. will also be performing at New Wave (Novaya Bolna) 2015 on October 7th ? Uh, don't quote me on the date, please. But she will be there, and she will be performing.
We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Tereza Kerndlová !
Some of my favorite songs/videos for Tereza are:
Holka Jako Já,
Schody Z Nebe, and
Tepe Srdce Mý.
A couple of live videos from 2015 at:
Anděl (Supermiss 2014 21-03-2015),
Havířov - 21.6.2015 - Schody z nebe,
and this one appears to be a phone video, not great quality but gives you the 'audience perspective' in
Tereza Kerndlová live.
See You In A Couple Of Days, cleaverb .
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Julia Kovalchuk / JK2015
It's only been a couple of months since this album was released , yet I am thoroughly impressed with this album. Yulias' vocals sound great, the music is soothing; it just sounds like the soundtrack to life. This album is the best of 2015 , i am not sure anyone can top this music. Not right now.
The album is on itunes at .I will, for the present time, stop short of declaring Julia Kovalchuk the heir-apparent 'queen' of Blest soloists. As we see it, her biggest problem will be gaining new fans and getting people to listen.. you know how it is when you give people exactly what they want but they still won't listen. Well , something like that.
One interesting thing, in my opinion, is that a westernert like myself can understand the lyrics. Better than most.
Maybe we have too much respect for this talented lady; she is a show-stopper ! Yulia, if you want a successful career in music, knock 'em dead. Don't stop after one knockdown.Hit 'em again.
Ultimately, I am impressed by the slow songs :
14 Tebe... is the most beautiful music we have heard this year.
It shows a lot of heart . I like to start with the last song Tebe... and then let the media player repeat into V Dim.
1 V Dim at first i thought this was a weak song, but in reality it displays the maturity and the depth of Julia.
2 Stat Chuzimi has a bit of rap , it's very well done but i don't know who the rapper is by name. My choice for single.
3 V Zametki performed with her husband Alexi , thought this was a little soft but it seems grand now.
4 Chocolad the rock sound which will probably be her next single. It's great!
5 Moxito from a couple years ago , this is a fine song.
6 Ya Slushaio Morye i really enjoy this sound. The vocals remind me of Sedokova. But more relaxed.
7 Pulyami this is a twangy, slow rocker . Great accoustics .
8 Tolkni Menya her first single, back in 2008. Still sounds great !
9 Tolko Tvioya Driving beat with some synth .
10 Mezdu Nami the great single from 2012 which ended up at number 3 on our Top 5 . Remixed to sound even better.
11 Samurai ecclectic oriental sound with fine backing vocals. Nice somber tone.
12 Pryamo Serdse still a fine song .
13 Pokoleniye Leta umm somehow we missed this song when it was released as a single. Outstanding !
Monday, March 23, 2015
March 23, 2015 there is a lot more than just music going on right now..
It seems as if we have had a good start to the year. We have had 20 singles already, but only 6 music videos. Makes it worthless to pick a top 5 out of 6 choices. Our top track = most listened to is Mesedas Peresecheniye, Sedokovas Tishe, Ani Loraks Korabli.
Nadezhda Granovskayas Ostaniya is currently my favorite, not a dancy song but interesting . My faves change all the time.
We were thinking how hard it would be to perform and what these amazing entertainers go through on a daily basis; diets, fitness, wardrobe, makeup, hair styling. Not things most 'guys' concern themselves with. Diets, we try to stay healthy, but everyone gets to indulge on occasion. Fitness, we sometimes feel sorry for people who visit a gym and use machines for workouts. We have always enjoyed 'the real world' walking or jogging on a trail. So that might be hard to adjust to. Wardrobe, now there is no way we could dance and sing in high heels. That has to be a talent in itself. Makeup, we once wore paint for Halloween, and it was hot and irritating to say the least.
There may be a lull in activity for the next few days, with the exception of Tatyana Kotovas video for Nevernaya on the 24th. We 'll probably write a short paragragh or two as usual. But there is not much else to report right now.
So that does give us a chance to get out and enjoy the spring weather, it's nice here. The final four basketball tournament is one of our annual events that we take great interest in. We also had a friend pass away, and it may have touched some emotions. Sympathy not , its an adjustment period, and we do not know how long it will take to calm down. We are also having an allergy , but its much better than having snow in May, like 2014....Friday, February 27, 2015
Blestyashchie Photos from ZD Awards 2014 February 23,2015
Most people will look at the video and say sarcastically, "It's the Blestyashchie Medley. Big deal."
When you live 'on-the-other-side-of-the-world' , it is a reason to celebrate !
I can't really say why the website doesn't get updates anymore; i do not know the answer to that. So anytime we can go out and find the group performing, we take the time to watch.
Love you girls, each and every one of you. Great performance!
The next day, photos of the occasion were being uploaded to various places. We collected 10 photos,
and we thought it would be "awesome" to see them together in a photo album. Except we do not have that capability.
Here are the ten pictures we found:
Friday, January 16, 2015
Happy New Year ! A new beginning for the blog; a new beginning for!
We we searching around for an "affordable" webhost, when we happened upon which featured a hosting plan for $1.00 per month.
We read a few reviews, and most people seemed happy with the service.
In October we had renewed our domain name , just to retain the name.
No one ever bothered with or but
was taken up a few years ago when we let it slip out of our control. We never thought
that anyone would take the name. We sincerely like better anyway...
So we begin 2015 with a new host - slowly we started the process of resizing the pages
from 1024 wide to 1280 wide. In the past, we had always made it a point to leave the
page size at 100% , but it really can have a drastic effect on the appearance of your pages.
If you have ever written html, you know what we mean..
Next, the easiest thing to do was to improve and update the photos for the performers profiles.
Then around December 14th we started to update the Biography info for all the 'soloists' from Blestyaschie and Via-GRa,then we would start on the bands.. and we thought that
we could get that done before New Years Day 2015. Maybe we got more 'picky' about the
text, or maybe it just gets too detailed. But here we are January 16, 2015 and we still have
a few biographies to update. I should say, Thank You google translate!!! Without it we would be
stuck sitting here with a dictionary in one hand, staring at a monitor, wonder how to 'put that in English' ! The Goog is good.
Our next project was to update the photos on our Favorite Artists page; it doesn't seem like much of a task until you realize 8 hours later that it still needs work.
Then we went back to the biography writing; it seems as if none of the current websites actually have biographies for the artists. A few short years ago, every music website from apple to
had a picture and at least an out of date summary. Times have changed, now its the music that matters. Hey, it is a big business, so we can accept that as fact. I guess i have always enjoyed a good
article to read, so we make it a point to have some description of the people who perform
our favorite music.
Near the end, we finally found inspiration to update the soloist photos:
we found tons of great pictures on, but we realized that we had some of the best photographs
on our computer . So most of those photos are historical, we have saved them for years and years.
We tried to represent each with a photo from their 'early days' in their respective groups.
And we love the end result. I hope you do, too.
In the middle, we decided to add a few Tribute pages. I have been wanting to create a page
for Tose Proeski since around 2010, when we first downloaded an album of his fantastic music.
We brought back an up to date versions of TikTak , Paola and Chiara, and BWO.
In the future, we may say goodbye to our Technoir, Boomkat, and Total pages,
finding information on these groups is too difficult. Not that we have lost the admiration for the
performers, we still have the music and enjoy it on occasions.
Well so now i have spilled my guts of the behind the scenes, and hopefully that will keep it off the front page...
We haven't had many visitors of late, but it is kind of a relief from the days when we would
average between 3 and 5 Gigabits of bandwidth. And we never heard a compliment or a complaint.
Above all, if you are on my pagers and you are reading this, i sincerely hope that i haven't
done you wrong . and you don't hate me. music is a powerful thing.
i love you.
cleaverb .